Today, I had another appointment...moving right along. All went well at the check up. I gained about 4 pounds since my last appointment and my blood pressure was good. Nurse did give us a little scare though. She took my bp and then checked my chart. Then she said, let's check it again. I got a little nervous given my bp issues with Riley, but the second time it was just fine. Then we got to hear baby's heartbeat again (after a lot of searching...she said baby was moving) and today it was 154. I had also thought that at our next appointment, when I am 191/2 weeks, we would have an ultrasound and hopefully get to find out boy or girl. I asked the doc and he said that they like to wait until 22 weeks and since that is between my two appointments, looks like we have to wait until 23 1/2 weeks to find out pink or blue. I guess it is only 8 weeks, but I had gotten my hopes up that we would know in 4 weeks. Oh well, as long as everything is going fine we are happy. (I will post another picture at 16 weeks...hopefully this weekend if I remember).
Oh and Riley has come up with a name for the least for now. She calls it "little noodle"! She is so cute when she asks me if she can kiss her little noodle. I think she is getting more excited...especially since I keep taking her window shopping at Babies R Us:) She is going to be a great big sister!
I am going to try and copy something cute that my friend Chrissy had on her blog. It will be a baby poll and you can all cast your votes as to gender. I personally have no feelings and Mike is just dead set that he will have two girls. I will tell you that I have been sick just a little more this time and my hair has been bad (it was great with Riley). Sorry, those are the only differences I feel so far. Well and so much bigger, but I think it is just baby #2.